Syntax SetIconProperty(@"IconTitle", #centerRegPoint, boolean)
Type Icon property
Description  This property controls how the registration point of a Flash sprite icon is set. The centerRegPoint property can have these values:

TRUE Always keep the registration point automatically centered no matter how the sprite is stretched.
FALSE Fix the registration point at its current point value. If you subsequently resize the sprite or set its defaultRect property, the registration point remains at the same point value. You can reposition the registration point by setting the RegPoint property.

When a Flash sprite icon is first inserted, its registration point is set at its center and its centerRegPoint property is by default set to TRUE. If you subsequently use the regPoint property to reposition the registration point, the centerRegPoint property is automatically set to FALSE.

You can get and set the value of the centerRegPoint property. The default setting is TRUE.

Example  The following ifthen statement checks to see if a Flash movie's centerRegPoint property is set to TRUE. If it is, the second line sets the regPoint property to reposition the sprite's registration point to its upper-left corner. By checking the centerRegPoint property, this routine ensures that it doesn't reposition a registration point that had been previously explicitly set using the regPoint property.

If GetIconProperty(@"Flash Icon", #centerRegPoint) then
    SetIconProperty(@"Flash Icon", #regPoint, Point(0,0))
end if
Related Functions regPoint property

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