Syntax SetIconProperty(@"IconTitle", #regPoint, point)
Type Icon property
Description  This property sets the registration point of a Flash sprite icon. The regPoint property is specified as a point value; for example, Point(16,16).

When a Flash sprite icon is first inserted, its registration point is set at its center and its centerRegPoint property is by default set to TRUE. If you subsequently use the regPoint property to reposition the registration point, the centerRegPoint property is automatically set to FALSE.

In Authorware, changing regPoint doesn't move the sprite. To move the sprite, use the motion icon.

You can get and set the value of the regPoint property. The default setting is the center of the movie.

Example  This sets the registration point of a Flash sprite icon to its upper-left corner.

SetIconProperty(@"Flash Icon", #regPoint, Point(0,0))
Related Functions centerRegPoint property

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