Syntax SetIconProperty(@"IconTitle", #quality, value)

SetIconProperty(@"IconTitle", #quality, value)

Type Icon property, sprite property
Description  This property controls whether a Flash movie sprite is rendered using anti-aliasing. Anti-aliasing produces high-quality rendering, but the disadvantage is that it can slow down playback of the movie. The quality property can have these values:

#autoHigh Authorware starts rendering the sprite with anti-aliasing. If the actual frame rate falls below the movie's specified frame rate, Authorware turns off anti-aliasing. This setting places a priority on playback speed as opposed to visual quality.
#autoLow Authorware starts rendering the movie without anti-aliasing. If the Flash player determines that the computer processor can handle it, anti-aliasing is turned on. This setting places a priority on visual quality whenever possible.
#high The movie always plays with anti-aliasing.
#low The movie always plays without anti-aliasing.

You can get and set the value of the quality property. The default setting is #high.

Example  This routine checks the color depth of the computer on which the movie is playing. If the color depth is set to 8 bits or less (256 colors), the script sets the quality of the sprite to #low.

If ScreenDepth <= 8 then
    SetSpriteProperty(@"Flash Icon", #quality, #low)
end if

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