Description |
This property controls when the Flash movie sprite detects mouse click events (mouseUp and mouseDown) and when it detects rollovers (mouseEnter, mouseWithin, and mouseLeave). The clickMode property can have these values:
#boundingBox Mouse click events are detected anywhere within the sprite's bounding rectangle. Rollovers are detected at the sprite's boundaries. |
#opaque If the sprite's mode is set to transparent, mouse click events are detected only when the pointer is over an opaque portion of the sprite. Rollovers are detected at the boundaries of the opaque portions of the sprite. If the sprite's mode is anything other than transparent, this setting has the same effect as the #boundingBox setting. |
#object Mouse click events are detected when the mouse pointer is over any filled (non-background) area of the sprite. Rollovers are detected at the boundaries of any filled area. This setting works regardless of the sprite's mode. |
You can get and set the value of the clickMode property. The default is #opaque .