Syntax boolean:=GetSpriteProperty(@"IconTitle", #mouseOverButton)
Type Sprite property
Description  This property indicates whether the mouse pointer is over a button in a Flash movie sprite. The mouseOverButton property can have these values:

TRUE The mouse pointer is over a button in the Flash movie sprite.
FALSE The mouse pointer is outside the bounds of the sprite or the mouse pointer is within the bounds of the sprite but over a non-button object (such as the background).

You cannot set the mouseOverButton property.

Example  This routine checks to see if the mouse pointer is over a navigation button in the Flash sprite. If the mouse pointer is over the button, the script updates a variable with an appropriate message; if not, it clears the message.

If GetSpriteProperty(@"Flash Icon", #mouseOverButton)
    Message:= "Click here to go to the next page."
    Message:= ""
end if

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