CDRTool installation -------------------- Obtain the software from The software is available as a tar archive or as a debian package. Installing from the tar archive: Change directory to your web root (/var/www on Debian systems) tar zxvf cdrtool*.tgz Installing from the debian package: dpkg -i cdrtool*.deb The files will be installed under /var/www/CDRTool directory. Create CDRTool database ----------------------- You need MySQL root access with GRANT priviledges from the machine where CDRTool runs, otherwise copy the files required by setup/ to the MySQL machine and run the script locally. Change the MySQL password of the cdrtool user from file setup/create_users.mysql Then run the database setup script: /var/www/CDRtool/setup/mysql/ The script performs the following: 1. It adds to the MySQL server a user for cdrtool software 2. It creates a new MySQL database "cdrtool" 3. It creates a default web user admin/admin, you may use this initial account to login in the web interface 4. It populates the cdrtool database with initial values PHP setup and Apache setup -------------------------- Install PHP and dependencies. If you have chosen to install the debian package, the dependencies will be resolved during installation. Example for Debian systems and php4: Enable php-mysql module in /etc/php/*/php.ini: Enable php in apache web server. Configuration example for apache on Debian systems: /etc/apache/httpd.conf DirectoryIndex index.phtml index.php index.html index.htm index.shtml index.cgi AddType application/x-httpd-php .php AddType application/x-httpd-php .phtml Make sure php module is insbale in apache configuration. For apache this is done in /etc/apache/modules.conf: LoadModule php4_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/ Change AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All For apache2 us a2enmode php command. Create a virtual host for cdrtool. Example for apache2: cp setup/apache2/sites-available/ /etc/apache2/sites-enabled cp setup/apache2/conf.d/cdrtool /etc/apache2/conf.d/ ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/ CustomLog /var/log/apache2/cdrtool-access.log combined ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/cdrtool-errors.log SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown # To enable SSL: # a2enmode ssl # add Listen 443 to ports.conf file # generate site certificates # SSLEngine On # SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/snakeoil-rsa.crt # SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/snakeoil-rsa.key Enable the virtual site using: a2ensite You may enable ssl using "a2enmod ssl" command. If you use ssl you must also generate a site certificate using the instructions provided by apache2 software. Create a configuration file --------------------------- cd /var/www/CDRTool cp setup/ Edit and setup your variables to match your system. For each different datasource you must instantiate a new class extending one of the existing classes (ser, asterisk or cisco). contains a more elaborate example for setting up datasources Enable rating engine -------------------- The rating engine is used for prepaid applications and as price calculator for postpaid traffic. It provides access to the rating tables and stays in memory (running as a daemon) to avoid reading the rating tables at every rating request. The rating tables can be reloaded without restarting the rating engine. See the information in the head of the scripts/ratingEngine.php daemon for how to enable prepaid or other rating functionality. For prepaid, an external B2BUA is required, CDRTool provides only the rating and update balance functions. Set the IP and port where the rating engine listens to and the OpenSER datasource in $RatingEngine=array("socketIP" => "", "socketPort" => "9024", "CDRS_class" => "ser_radius"); The MSQL schema for prepaid accounts: setup/mysql/create_prepaid.mysql The network engine has no security features, it must run over a protected network. Edit /etc/default/cdrtool and set RUN_ratingEngine=yes Then restart the rating engine: /etc/init.d/cdrtool restart High availability ----------------- Setup heartbeat and MySQL replication. CRON setup ---------- Some operations must be scheduled to run periodically by cron. Such operations are the scripts that block fraudulous accounts in OpenSER, normalize the call detail records, purge the old SIP traces. The sample cron file is in /var/www/CDRTool/setup/crontabs/ This is done automatically if you install the debian package. RADIUS setup ------------ CDRTool works with FreeRadius server from apt-get install freeradius freeradius-mysql Create the database for radius tables on MySQL server mysqladmin -u root create radius Create RADIUS tables The paths might differ depending on freeradius installation cp /usr/share/doc/freeradius/examples/db_mysql.sql.gz . gunzip db_mysql.sql.gz mysql -u root radius < /usr/share/doc/freeradius/examples/db_mysql.sql Patch radacct table for storage of CISCO VSA and rating. Apply a patch to the default radacct table. This will add fields necessary to store Vendor Specific Atributes from Cisco or OpenSER. It is not possible to mix call details records from CISCO and OpenSER in the same radius table. You need to create multiple radius server profiles and save the CDRs into dedicated tables for each datasource. Modify the default radacct table for OpenSER by running: /var/www/CDRTool/setup/radius/OpenSER/ and for CISCO by running: /var/www/CDRTool/setup/radius/CISCO/ Configure Freeradius to write data into the radacct table: cp /var/www/CDRTool/setup/radius/OpenSER/sql.conf /etc/freeradius/sql.conf For large volume of CDRs it is usefull automatically rotate the tables in which the data is written. /var/www/CDRTool/setup/radius/OpenSER/radius_accounting.*, contain mysql procedures that automatically create monthly tables in the format radacctYYYYMM. To use mysql procedures, your must use MySQL server version 5 or greater and Freeradius server mysql module must be compiled to support CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS mysql connection flag. This must be done in src/modules/rlm_sql/drivers/rlm_sql_mysql/sql_mysql.c: if (!(mysql_sock->sock = mysql_real_connect(&(mysql_sock->conn), config->sql_server, config->sql_login, config->sql_password, config->sql_db, atoi(config->sql_port), NULL, CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS|CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS ))) { Also, if you use MediaProxy for accounting in combination with OpenSER you must use the MediaProxy version that supports the same mysql procedures. Edit the database connection details in sql.conf and restart Freeradius server. Add RADIUS clients in clients.conf. Each device sending RADIUS accounting requests must be added to /etc/radddb/clients.conf. Examples: client { secret=DssUET01 nastype=other shortname=localnet } Enable MySQL accounting in FreeRadius server. Edit radius.conf "sql" must be uncommented or added if missing. # accounting { detail sql } Copy /var/www/CDRTool/setup/radius/OpenSER/dictionary.ser to /etc/freeradius OpenSER setup ------------- Enable MySQL storage for subscribers and accounting and Radius accounting. For SIP Tracing you need OpenSER siptrace module. To enable quota you must add an extra column in the subscriber table: alter table openser.subscriber add column quota int not null; Entries required in openser.cfg: loadmodule "" modparam("acc", "failed_transaction_flag", 1) modparam("acc", "report_cancels", 0) modparam("acc", "report_ack", 0) modparam("acc", "early_media", 0) modparam("acc", "log_level", 1) modparam("acc", "log_flag", 1) modparam("acc", "log_missed_flag", 1) modparam("acc", "radius_config", "/etc/openser/radius/client.conf") modparam("acc", "radius_flag", 1) modparam("acc", "radius_missed_flag", 1) modparam("acc", "radius_extra", "User-Name=$Au; \ Calling-Station-Id=$from; \ Called-Station-Id=$to; \ Sip-Translated-Request-URI=$ruri; \ Sip-RPid=$avp(s:rpid); \ Source-IP=$si; \ Source-Port=$sp; \ Canonical-URI=$avp(s:can_uri); \ Billing-Party=$avp(billing_party); \ Divert-Reason=$avp(s:divert_reason); \ X-RTP-Stat=$hdr(X-RTP-Stat); \ User-Agent=$hdr(user-agent); \ Contact=$hdr(contact); \ Event=$hdr(event); \ SIP-Proxy-IP=$avp(s:sip_proxy_ip); \ ENUM-TLD=$avp(s:enum_tld)") Further, you must enable accounting in various parts of the routing script by setting the accounting flag and saving the AVP containing the proxy IP address. It is important to save $avp(s:can_uri) after the Proxy has performed all possible lookups except DNS. The Canonical-URI will be used for rating the session. Example: route { ... setflag(ACCOUNTING_FLAG); $avp(s:can_uri) = $ru; ... } Copy /var/www/CDRTool/setup/radius/OpenSER/dictionary.ser to /etc/openser/radius/ and uncomment the line: $INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient-ng/dictionary Note ---- Many of the standard Radius attributes previously logged by default in the accounting packets must be added manually to "radius_extra" parameter of the acc module when using OpenSER >= 1.2. MediaProxy setup ---------------- MediaProy can log into CDRTool the IP bandwidth utilization, the codecs and the User Agents. MediaProxy logs this information into the database used by the Radiusserver, the radacct table. MediaProxy can also correct the session duration of CDRs for which no BYE messages have been received. The following information is logged: - InputOctets and OutputOctets - CodecType (like GSM or G711) - ApplicationType (text/audio/video) - User Agent(s) - Media IP source and IP destination See MediaProxy documentation for how to enable Radius or database accounting. Asterisk setup -------------- Download from cvs the asterisk-addons and patch asterisk to store CDRs in MySQL. See /var/www/CDRTool/setup/asterisk for more information. Cisco setup ----------- Use the CISCO CLI, enter enable mode and configuration from terminal: >enable config terminal aaa new-model aaa group server radius aaa.router server RADIUS_SERVER_IP auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 aaa accounting connection h323 start-stop group radius gw-accounting h323 gw-accounting h323 vsa gw-accounting voip Manual CDR uploads ------------------ If MySQL is down you will miss CDRs written by RADIUS. These CDRs can be reload manually from radius accounting files using the supplied upload scripts in scripts directory (IPNX, OpenSER and CISCO import scripts available). Q931 Release codes for Cisco ---------------------------- In CDRTool CISCO hexadecimal release codes are automatically mapped to Q931 release codes. Rating engine ------------- See RATING file. Monitoring ---------- Monit can check if the rating engine stopped working and restart it. A sample configuration file for monit is available in setup/monit/monitrc. Edit the IP address and hostname where the rating engine runs and copy /var/www/CDRTool/setup/monit/monitrc /etc/monit/monit.d/cdrtool Usage statistics ---------------- CDRTool can build usage statistics of the number of online SIP devices from OpenSER, simultaneous number of media streams and relayed IP traffic by MediaProxy. Define DB_siponline as a new database class in Example: class DB_siponline extends DB_Sql { var $Host = "db"; var $Database = "openser"; var $User = "openser"; var $Password = "password"; var $Halt_On_Error ="no"; } Define all media proxy servers in: /var/www/CDRTool/status/config/media_servers.php The script that gathers the usage information and builds the graphical statistics is /var/www/CDRTool/scripts/buildStatistics.php This script runs as a cron job every 5 minutes. The usage information is cumulated in /tmp/CDRTool-sip-statistics.txt file, which is a plain text file with one line per domain and values separated by tabs. This file can be easily parsed by external scripts to build statistics using other tools like SNMP. To see the graphical statistics, follow the Usage link.