DokuWiki System Requirements

For running your own copy of DokuWiki you will need the following three:

  1. Webserver with PHP support
    • Apache is preferred, but many others are reported to work fine
  2. PHP 4.3.x. Because of some security issues PHP 4.3.10 or higher is strictly recommended. (RedHat Enterprise Linux has backported these security fixes into earlier versions: php-4.3.2-30 for RHEL V3, php-4.3.9-3.12 for RHEL V4)
    • Enabling short open tags shouldn’t be needed anymore 1)
    • PHP‘s GD extension for use with libGD 2 (a graphics library) is recommended but not needed
    • DokuWiki should work in PHP‘s Safe Mode, depending on your hosters configuration you may need to use the safemodehack option
    • DokuWiki is designed to run with PHP‘s Option register_globals set to off.
    • If you want to email registration confirmation to new users PHP needs access to sendmail.
  3. A decent web browser (see compatibility list)

Additional plugins or features like the spell checker may have additional requirements.

Tip: To check your installed PHP version along with hundreds of other settings, create a test.php file on your server with the following PHP code in it.

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

Type the file’s URL into a browser to see the results.

:!: Be sure to delete this file after you have finished as it can pose a security risk by exposing a great deal of information about your PHP and server configuration.

1) if you encounter problems file a bugreport
wiki/requirements.txt · Last modified: 2006-07-09 03:39 by
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