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Bus-Tech's family of cost-compelling, high-throughput, high-availability channel-attachment EnterpriseExpress Adapters can enable you to leverage your strategic informational needs in a variety of applications.

Bus-Tech, Inc. offers the PCI bus-based to Enterprise Systems Connection Architecture (ESCON) adapter solution. These adapters utilize IBM's ESCON Enabler chipset and execute IBM's Licensed Internal Code Control Unit Image thus guaranteeing compatibility to IBM's ESCON specification. They also support IBM's MultiPath Channel Plus (MPC+) channel protocol.

The ESCON based adapter is the only one available on the market today that fully implements the Multi-Path Channel (MPC+) protocol. The result is a 40% performance improvement while at the same time realizing a 60% reduction in mainframe CPU cycles over previous ESCON implementations. This provides an excellent solution for today's high data demand applications.

The EnterpriseExpress Adapters/ESCON supports channel I/O speeds of 10 and 17 Mbytes per second and leverage the enormous availability of application options of Microsoft's Host Integration Server 2000 or IBM's Communications Server for Windows.

The result is devices that tightly couple the mainframe to server environment. These approaches eliminate a number of unnecessary LAN hops by bypassing the Front End Processor and provide the fastest possible link between the mainframe and the server.

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