APEC Telecenter Training Camp



Dr. F. R. Sheriff

Director of Extension Education
Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
Chennai 600 051
Tamilnadu, India
Telefax : 91-44-25551579
Mobile : +91 98401 08430Email :@hotmail.com,sheriff@md4.vsnl.net.in,

Dr. F.R. Sheriff, Veterinarian, aged 54, specilised in Poultry Science having 31 years of experience in teaching, research, and Extension services. Since 1999 he is serving as Director of Extension Education in Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai, India.

He has published 104 international / national, research / popular articles and written / edited 29 books. He has established the University Video Laboratory and produced 36 video / audio lessons. Involved in preparation of 55 Radio / 24 TV Programmes. Dr. Sheriff conducted 15 national / international workshops and seminars. Also organized 32 nos of Farm School on Air through All India Radio, four Endowment Lectures and nine Extension Education Council meetings. Under his guidance every year about 25 to 30 thousand farmers are undergoing On Campus and Off Campus training programme through twenty three District Centres of Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University. He has been responsible for the Kisan Call Centres at Level II to deliver extension services to the farmers on toll free telephone. He established a Poultry Research Development Centre, Entrepreneurs Development Cell, University Printing Press and Agricultural Technology Information Centre at the University.

Dr. Sheriff established four Touch Screen Information Kiosks also created a portal www.tanuvas.org/rural in Vernacular language. He has handled various projects to the tune of Rs.825.41 lakhs funded by various Departments of the State, Government of India and International agencies like IDRC, COL, UNESCO. He was awarded “Gold Medal 2002” for outstanding contribution in the field of Agroforestry and Livestock Development by Soil Conservation Society of India.

He has started distance education programme on Animal welfare, Self Income generative distance education courses on “Goat farming” and Dairy farming”, also continuing education of the officers of Line Departments. Dr. Sheriff Coordinated with Reading University UK on “Problems and constraints related to keeping Livestock in Urban Areas” and in collaboration with COL and ISNAR, a ODL programme on two courses for the field veterinarians.

Dr. Sheriff is having a long and distinguished career in the Telecentre Projects at Tamilnadu from 2001 and he established nine telecentres in various districts of Tamilnadu for capacity building of the rural community and empowerment of women on ICTs.

Copyright © Research, Development and Evaluation Commission (RDEC), 2004
Last Updated: 2005/01/28