KOMProxyd (release 1.0) ======================================== Utz Roedig (utz@kom.tu-darmstadt.de) Overview: --------- This software provides a framework that can be used to build proxies for different (multimedia) protocols. The proxies can be used for the signalling (and media) flow of the multimedia protocols. The framework also provides an api that allows an interaction of the proxies with packet-filters. The software can be used to combine proxies and packet-filters to build (distributed) firewall systems that support multimedia applications. Documentation: -------------- Please refer to the ./doc/ directory which contains information about this package. New versions of this software and additional documentation can be found at: http://www.kom.e-technik.tu-darmstadt.de/KOMproxyd/ Compiling: ---------- This version (KOMProxyd 1.0) has been tested to compile on FreeBSD3.4 and Linux2.4, using gcc-2.95. To compile the h.323 parts you will need in addition the openh323 (http://www.openh323.org) protocol stack. To compile the packet filter module for Darren Reed's ip filter you need the ip filter (http://coombs.anu.edu.au/~avalon) package. To compile the sip parts you will need the oSIP (http://osip.atosc.org/) open source SIP stack. These packages have to be built before this package. The compilation process is prepared by invoking 'configure', either from the main directory or '../configure' from an arbitrary subdirectory (e.g. when compiling for multiple platforms). Use 'configure --help' to retrieve a list of configuration options. pwlib and openh323: - compile pwlib an openh323 using the following option: make bothnoshared example: - unpack the software: tar xvzf KOMproxyd1.0.0.tgz - cd to the new directory: cd KOMproxyd - create the configure script by invoking autoconf: autoconf - create a directory to build the code: mkdir Linux - cd to the new directory: cd Linux - invoke configure with the desired options: ../configure --without-ipflfw - adjust the options in MakeConfig if necessary: vi MakeConfig - build the package (make or gmake): make depend make - install the software: make install Running: -------- To run this software you have to adapt the configuration file (proxyd.conf) to your environment. The possible options are explained in the configuration file. In addition you should read the additional information in the doc directory. the software is started by the following command: /INSTROOT/proxyd -f /INSTROOT/proxyd.conf Acknowledgements: ----------------- Ralf Ackermann, Martin Karsten, and others