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3. Installing the ax25 library


The old ax25 utilities pack no longer functions with kernel 2.6, in fact the utilities pack has now been split up, and to interface between the BBS and the kernel you need to link the BBS code into a library, which at the time of writing this is at version libax25-0.0.11.tar.gz and can be found at

Download the file libax25-0.0.11.tar.gz then become the super user root and copy the file into /usr/src

Go into /usr/src and give the command "tar xvzf libax25-0.0.11.tar.gz" to unpack the file into the libax25-0.0.11 directory.

Now still as super user root go into the libax25.0.0.11 directory "cd libax25-0.0.11" and enter the following commands.

./configure --exec_prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var


make install

This will build the binary library files and put them in the correct places

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