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FBB Packet-radio BBS mini-HOWTO

Miroslav "Misko" Skoric, YT7MPB, skoric at eunet dot yu
(updated by gw3tmh at gb7abc dot net)

This mini-HOWTO covers the installation and use of the most popular amateur packet-radio BBS server software "FBB". The software works under Linux, DOS and Windows operating systems. It serves as a bulletin board system (BBS), a mailbox for personal messages, a database for various texts, documents and binary files, a server for small useful calculations etc. Packet radio is a way of connecting computers via amateur radio stations.

1. Introduction
2. How to prepare the Linux kernel
3. Installing the ax25 library
4. Obtaining the bbs program
5. Basic configuration
6. Configuring the bbs
7. How to use LinFBB's xfbbX, a GUI client for Windows
8. Hot to use LinFBB's xfbbW, a GUI client for Windows
9. How to compile LinFBB's executable files
10. How to access the xfbbd server from a DOS client
11. How to communicate with LinFBB in Serbian
12. How to make better ham radio rules
13. Bibliography
14. Further information
15. Getting help

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