Orcad to eeschema converter (tested only on Orcad SDT386 files) liborcad2eeschema is the Orcad library to eeschema library converter Usage: 1 decompile Orcad library file ( i.e. convert it to is ascii form). Usualy the Orcad lib is something as file.lib and is decompiled form is file.src 2 Run liborcad2eeschema.exe with the two args , i.e.: liborcad2eeschema.exe file.src libeeschema.lib orc2eeschema.exe is the Orcad Schematic to eschema schematic converter 1 Create an library archive (with Orcad Libarch) (something as mylibarch.src) 2 Convert Orcad Schematic to .aex form( exchange form) 3 for each .aex file run orc2eeschema.exe (with no extension for filenames) 4 - Add mylibarch.lib to eeschema list libraries (in first position) 5 - Global Labels must be adjusted in eeschema.