Syntax SetIconProperty(@"IconTitle", #obeyScoreRotation, boolean)


Type Icon property

This property determines if a Flash movie uses the rotation information from the Score, or the older rotation property of Flash assets. This property is automatically set to FALSE for all movies created in Authorware prior to version 5.1 in order to preserve old functionality. New assets created in version 5.1 or later will have this property automatically set to TRUE. If set to TRUE, the rotation property of the Authorware Flash Asset is ignored and the Score rotation settings within the Flash movie are obeyed instead.

You can get and set the obeyScoreRotation property. The default setting is TRUE.

Example  This routine rotates a Flash movie sprite 360 degrees in 10-degree increments.

SetIconProperty(@"Flash Icon", #obeyScoreRotation, FALSE)
repeat with i := 1 to 36
    SetIconProperty(@"Flash Icon", #rotation, i * 10)
end repeat
Related Functions rotation property.

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