Syntax result:=CallSprite(@"IconTitle", #stageToFlash, point)
Type Method
Description  This method returns the coordinate in a Flash movie sprite that corresponds to a specified coordinate in the Authorware Presentation window. The method accepts both the Presentation window coordinate and returns the Flash movie coordinate as point values; for example, Point(300,300).

Flash movie coordinates are measured in Flash movie pixels, which are determined by a movie's original size when it was created in Flash. For the purposes of calculating Flash movie coordinates, Point(0,0) of a Flash movie is always at its upper-left corner. (The icon's originPoint property isn't used to calculate movie coordinates; it's used only for rotation and scaling.)

The stageToFlash and the corresponding FlashToStage methods are helpful for determining which Flash movie coordinate is directly over a Presentation window coordinate. A Flash movie's upper-left corner, expressed as Point(0,0), won't always be at the upper-left corner of the Presentation window, which is also expressed as Point(0,0). As a Flash sprite is stretched, its scaleMode property affects the way its coordinates shift over the Presentation window. Also, Flash movies can be scaled and rotated, further complicating the task of matching coordinates. The FlashtoStage and stageToFlash methods make it possible to determine with a high degree of accuracy which coordinate in a Flash movie is directly over a coordinate in the Presentation window.

Example  This statement returns the Flash window coordinates of the last point the user clicked.

result:=CallSprite(@"Flash Icon", #stageToFlash, Point(ClickX,ClickY))
Related Functions flashToStage method

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