Syntax SetIconProperty(@"IconTitle", #imageEnabled, boolean)

SetSpriteProperty(@"IconTitle", #imageEnabled, boolean)

Type Icon property, sprite property
Description  This property controls whether a Flash movie's graphics are visible. The imageEnabled property can have these values:

TRUE The movie's graphics are visible.
FALSE The movie's graphics are invisible.

You can get and set the value of the imageEnabled property. The default setting is TRUE.

Example  This routine hides the Flash movie's graphics when it first appears in the Presentation window and begins to stream into memory. Once it's finished streaming, the imageEnabled property is set to True.
SetSpriteProperty(@"Flash Icon", #imageEnabled, False)
    repeat while GetIconProperty(@"Flash Icon", #state) <>4 |<>-1
    end repeat
SetSpriteProperty(@"Flash Icon", #imageEnabled, True)
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