
Jackpot is written in pure Java. All you need to run it is a Java Runtime Environment (JRE). If you don't have one, you can download one for free from You will need a JRE of version 1.2 or greater. Development work has been done under JRE 1.3; that's what I recommend you use.

You need a computer that is connected to the Internet. Ideally it should be permanently connected, with a fixed IP address, because spammers send out their bulk mail up to a few days after they discover your 'open relay' - if you are using a dial-up connection when your relay is discovered, then the chances are that even if you are online when they try their run, your address will have changed. Also, if you are using a dial-up connection, there is a fair chance that the spammer will know that that address is from a dial-up pool, and will avoid using it for his run.

Jackpot works on Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows NT; and on Windows 98 and Windows ME. It should also work on any Linux system. however Jackpot uses threads extensively, and the handling of threads on Win98 and WinME is pretty feeble. Sooner or later, someone will report back to me on what happens when such a system gets hit by a spam-run, and I will update this page when I know.

Ummm, that's it. Everything else you need is included in this download.
