Command Section

ARPD(8)                   BSD System Manager's Manual                  ARPD(8)

arpd -- ARP reply daemon

arpd [-d] [-i interface] [net ...]

arpd replies to any ARP request for an IP address matching the specified
destination net with the hardware MAC address of the specified interface,
but only after determining if another host already claims it.

Any IP address claimed by arpd is eventually forgotten after a period of
inactivity or after a hard timeout, and is relinquished if the real owner
shows up.

This enables a single host to claim all unassigned addresses on a LAN for
network monitoring or simulation.

arpd exits on an interrupt or termination signal.

The options are as follows:

-d Do not daemonize, and enable verbose debugging messages.

-i interface
Listen on interface. If unspecified, arpd searches the system
interface list for the lowest numbered, configured ``up'' inter-
face (excluding loopback).

net The IP address or network (specified in CIDR notation) or IP
address ranges to claim (e.g. ``'', ``'' or
``''). If unspecified, arpd will attempt to
claim any IP address it sees an ARP request for. Mutiple
addresses may be specified.


pcapd(8), synackd(8)

Dug Song <>, Niels Provos <>

August 4, 2001

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