Honeyd - (c) 2002 Niels Provos Honeyd-WIN32 - (c) 2003 Michael A. Davis About Honeyd-WIN32 ------------------ Honeyd-win32 has all the capabilities of the UNIX version of honeyd with the exception of subsystems. Scripts, proxies, etc are all 100% supported. Installation: ------------- 1. Download and install WinPCAP from http://winpcap.polito.it/. !!! NOTE: Honeyd-win32 has ONLY been test with WinPCAP Version 3.0 Beta. Other versions may or may not work. !!! 2. Follow the WinPCAP instructions and install the WinPCAP driver. 3. Execute honeyd just like the Unix version. FAQ: ---- Q: Does this version of honeyd contain the newest patches for version 0.5? A: Yes. Q: What directory does honeyd look for its configuration files in? A: Whatever the current working directory is when you execute honeyd. Q: Can I use the scripts that come with honeyd? A: Yes! You need to install cygwin and make sure that the cygwin binary directory is in your System's PATH Variable. Q: When will subsystems be supported? A: Probably not for a while, if ever. I do not know of a win32 way to emulate the LD_PRELOAD functionality in UNIX without a hook server and driver which is a PITA. Known Bugs: ----------- 1. When specifying a subsystem within a config file you will receive a parse error. 2. If you have two identical Ethernet Adapters(as in Vendor and Model number: i.e. 2 3c905C cards) you will NOT be able to select the second interface to listen on. This is a problem with libdnet that Dug Song and I are fixing. Documentation: -------------- Please refer to honeyd.html How to Compile honeyd-win32: ---------------------------- 1. You need the following libraries: libevent-win32(http://www.secuirtyprofiling.com), libdnet-msvc(http://www.secuirtyprofiling.com), and winpcap Developer Pack(ttp://winpcap.polito.it/) and the Microsoft Platform SDK. 2. You shoould extract all three of these libraries into a common directory. here is how the layout should look: \CommonDirectory \libdnet-1.5 \libevent-0.6 \wpdpack \honeyd-0.5 3. Load the honeyd.dsw project into MS VC++ 6. NOTE: There is curently no support for MS VC.NET. 4. Verify that the Platform SDK has been added to your Directory search path. Go to Tools->Options->Directories. If the path where you installed the MS Platform SDK is not listed then add it to the "Include Files" search and "Library Files" search list. 5. Click Build then click Build honeyd.exe. Acknowledgments: ---------------- The following people have helped with suggestions, ideas or code: Brett Oliphant Dug Song Lance Spitzner