Outcome Report of 
National Networked Digital Library, Indonesia

CCOHS Project Number: 001.1.2
Reporting Period: November 24, 2000 - November 24, 2001
By Ismail Fahmi, ST - ismail@itb.ac.id 

A project undertaken by Computer Network Research Group (CNRG) and Knowledge Management Research Group (KMRG) ITB, funded by IDRC Canada under its Pan Asia Networking R&D Grants Program. Web site: http://idln.itb.ac.id and http://gdlhub.indonesiadln.org


This project, national networked digital library in Indonesia, initially had objectives that were limited only for research and education (university) institution. Resources that will be managed were only research reports, theses, and dissertation. And the expected impact also were limited to increase the utilization of researches result and to push the electronic scholarly publishing.

But in the first seminar and workshop for the socialization of its idea, people suggested not to restric this effort on such objectives only. Many non research and education institution also showed their interest to join the network, such as from NGO, high school, bussiness, public organization, and so on. Finally we tried to accomodate their interest and broaden the scope of institution that can join the network and the resources type that will be managed.

The results was very impressive. We established the Indonesian Digital Library Network (IndonesiaDLN) community. Partners of the network can be from personal, internet cafe, and any institution or organization. Any types of knowledge are accepted. And finally this network seems to have an ambitious mission: connecting people's knowledge and creating one (distributed-and-networked) big national memory.

Ganesha Digital Library is one of this project result. It is the first web-based digital library application that will be distributed as an open-source in Indonesia. People can get the source code and install the application in their computer freely but in one condition: They should agree to share their knowledge that are managed using GDL to human being within IndonesiaDLN. This condition is one of our campaign about knowledge sharing.

GDL will become the application that will be installed for IndonesiaDLN hub server and GDL Hub server. It also can be configured for personal, internet cafe, and institution purposes wheter with dedicated or temporary connection. This is one of our strategy to disseminate and utilize knowledge to our nation: give the easiest and personal touch way for people in joining the network.

Since its launching on June 2001, recently IndonesiaDLN has 25 institutions successfully join the network and more than 60 individual and institutions registered to be partners. Our paper about the born of IndonesiaDLN and its achievement has won the first prize at an international paper contest by American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST). Our presentation about this regional technology, the bottom-up effort, and the fact that many institutions getting interested to join the network have gain the ASIST participants' interest.


The objectives of this project are:

Related Previous Activities

This project can't be separated from its previous activities. The development of digital library by ITB actually have been started since in the middle of 1999 (version 1.0 and 2.0). And at the beginning of 2000, the development of Ganesha Digital Library (GDL) version 3.0 is started. This version become the major part of further development of digital library system in this project. 

The following are activities undertaken related to GDL version 3.0 and the establishing of IndonesiaDLN. 

  1. Adopting Dublin Core Metadata Standard.
    In GDL version 1 and 2, we didn't use any standard for metadata. Starting from version 3.0 we want to adopt the widely used metadata standard for electronic resources. It is Dublin Core Metadata Element Set Version 1.1. This will lead to the opportunity of international collaboration for digital library network.
  2. Writing the Code
    The design of GDL 3.0 system was completely different from its former version. We should rewrite the code from scratch. The code  was in PHP scripting language.
  3. Test Bed and Implementation
    GDL 3.0 was successfully tested and implemented on top of FreeBSD server box. The server application were using Apache web server, mysql database server, dan swish-e search engine. We used qmail as the mail transport agent for more reliability and security.

    Ten librarians of ITB Central Library were trained to operate the system such as for administrator, knowledge officer, administrator, digitizer, and operator. During this experiment, they uploaded collection of research reports, final projects (undergraduate), theses, and dissertations. We also tried to upload multimedia file such as audio and video.

    The URL of the digital library server is http://digilib.itb.ac.id. (Currently running GDL version 3.1)
  4. Developing IndonesiaDLN Web Site
    Although this project administratively just started on November 2000, we have done some important activities several months before. On August 2000, web develop IndonesiaDLN web site to disseminate the idea, activities, and progress of this project. This web site was very usefull for Indonesian librarian and IT engineer that want to collaborate with us in developing digital library network.

    The site was carried out with the help of aid from IDRC and YLTI. The URL is http://idln.itb.ac.id
  5. Launching and National Seminar
    At October 2, 2000, ITB First Vice Rector launched the digital library web site in a national seminar of digital library. The seminar was held by ITB Central Library jointly with CNRG and KMRG ITB. About 250 participants from all over Indonesia attended the seminar.

    It was a very good chance to disseminate the result of the project and to spread the idea of developing National Networked Digital Library in Indonesia. Principal investigator of this project (Ismail Fahmi) gave presentation about progress of Ganesha Digital Library and objective of the project to develop the network. As the follow up, a two days meeting was held after the seminar.
  6. Meeting for Establishing IndonesiaDLN
    After the seminar we held a meeting that was attended by 40 representatives from 23 research and education institutions in Indonesia. The meeting was very important because resulted the following agreements:

    The complete result of this meeting can be downloaded from http://idln.itb.ac.id/meeting/Oktober2000/IndonesiaDLN-hasil-meeting-2okt2000.pdf (132 kb).

  7. Getting Funding for Implementation of Digital Library at Eastern Indonesian Universities (EIUDLN)
    The meeting also was attended by representatives from three institutions at Eastern Indonesia; University of Cendrawasih Irian Jaya, University of Hasanuddin Makassar, and University of Haluoleo Kendari. Mr. Nello Angerilli from EIUDP/CIDA-Project also attended the meeting. 

    In the meeting we had a limited discussion with them, and we came to an agreement to develop digital library network at the universities with the aid from EIUDP/CIDA-Project. 

We did the activities as part of this project, although the Memorandum of Grant Condition with IDRC just signed up on November 2000. It was because the most important event of this project to develop National Networked Digital Library in Indonesia was done there.

Activities Undertaken During the 12 Months

Since November 24th, 2000 until November 23th, 2001 we have done the following activities:

  1. Registering internet domain for IndonesiaDLN
    Domain name for IndonesiaDLN is IndonesiaDLN.org. We have registered the domain and the primary DNS server is located at ITB Central Library. The IndonesiaDLN hub server, GDL Hub server, and other related server of IndonesiaDLN will use the domain. Such as gdlhub.IndonesiaDLN.org, hub.IndonesiaDLN.org, www.IndonesiaDLN.org, and so on.
  2. Procurement of PC Workstation
    We have procured three personal computers to support development of GDL, creating CD-ROM, researching multimedia techniques for knowledge distribution, and for administration of GDL-Network and IndonesiaDLN Hub server. These workstations are located at KMRG ITB lab within ITB Central Library.
  3. Designing GDL 3.1 to support IndonesiaDLN Metadata Standard
    We have changed the design of GDL 3.0 to be more portable, easy to implement and replicate, and of course support IndonesiaDLN Metadata Standard. GDL 3.1 now fully utilizes the database access to  create and display metadata, create directory tree, and search. GDL 3.1 also should be expandable to support large hard disk capacity (scalability).

    GDL 3.1 can be installed on Windows 9x/NT/2000 and on Linux/Unix server. We keep using server application such as apache, mysql, and php.
  4. Designing GDL-Network System
    We have some consideration in designing networking system for GDL-Network, namely:

    From above considerations, we developed the following design:


  5. Designing Interchange Protocol Using SMTP and HTTP
    There are two mode of data interchange protocol between GDL Hub and Partner, that are SMTP and HTTP mode.

    SMTP protocol will be implemented on Unix platform. If partner uses unix box for GDL, data synchronization can be done automatically without need any administrator involvement. 

    HTTP protocol will be implemented for both unix and windows. Administrator (personal, internet cafe, or institution) can do synchronization via web pages. Both hub and partner servers will communicate on administrator's demand using HTTP connection.

    Information that will be synchronized are metadata, files, publisher, and membership. By membership synchronization, member will gain the roaming membership facilities.
  6. Writing the Code and Web Design
    Most of codes in GDL 3.1 are written from scratch to fit the design requirements. Some modules are taken from previous version. Web code are using PHP scripting language with XML and GD (gif drawing) modules are enabled. Web design uses simple and minimal model. User can access the pages fast and easily. 

    Communication protocol using SMTP are being developed using C++ language.

    We use windows 98 and Unix FreeBSD operating system during the system development.
  7. Debugging and Testing
    Bugs always appear time by time. We spent most of the time to find the bugs and fix them. GDL 3.1 has been tested on windows 98 and Linux/Unix FreeBSD. 

    We have successfully tested the operation of client-server communication using HTTP protocol. While the SMTP protocol communication is not finished yet. Test bed has been done for synchronization between ITB Central Library DL server and GDL Hub (in the same network) and between University of Muhammadiyah Malang (East Java) and GDL Hub (West Java). Metadata from the university has successfully uploaded into GDL Hub using HTTP protocol.
  8. Procurement of Servers
    We have procured two servers for GDL Hub server and IndonesiaDLN Hub server. Both servers will act as backup each other. Currently the servers will be placed at AI3 (Asian Internet Interconnection Initiatives) ITB NOC. In the future we plan to offer cooperation with ISP that interested to provide free server hosting for the server.

    Specification of the servers are similar, that is:

    Mainboard Intel Serverboard STL2
    Dual Processor Intel P!!! 933Mhz
    Hard drive Seagate Barracuda SCSI 18GB
    Hard drive Seagate Barracuda IDE 40GB

  9. Distributing GDL Brochure
    We made a brochure of GDL both printed (lux) and electronic to be disseminated nationally. The brochure will be published initially on the seminar (6-7 June 2001). Electronic version of the brochure can be downloaded at http://gdlhub.indonesiaDLN.org/doc/brosur-gdl31.pdf
  10. Creating CD-ROM Distribution of GDL
    GDL will be distributed as open-source. The source code of GDL totally is only about 2 MB. But for user confenience we include the apache, mysql, and php source code and binary in the CD-ROM both for windows and unix. 

    Although it is an open-source, we don't place the source-code of GDL openly at an FTP server. People that want to get the code have to submit an application form. They have to sign that they agree to share their knowledge managed using GDL into IndonesiaDLN. Information about getting the source code can be found at http://gdlhub.IndonesiaDLN.org/faqgdl.php
  11. 6-7 June 2001, 2nd Seminar of IndonesiaDLN
    We have hold the 2nd Seminar of IndonesiaDLN at Santika Hotel, Bandung. Information about this seminar and workshop can be found at http://idln.itb.ac.id

    In the seminar, we launched the IndonesiaDLN network. We described the vision, strategies, and practical aspect of IndonesiaDLN, and open the registration to become IndonesiaDLN partner. The seminar was attended by more than 150 participants from the whole  Indonesia. We also have three international speaker from British Council, NUS Singapore, and SCCH Austria.
  12. 8-9 June 2001, 2nd Workshop of IndonesiaDLN
    The second workshop was held at Rossan Hotel, Lembang Bandung. About 60 participants attended the workshop. In the workshop, we met the IndonesiaDLN partners to discuss metadata standard, current application of digital library, the organization, membership, and so on. We also have successfully done the metadata interoperability test between GDL and New Spektra (digital library software by Petra University). 

    The workshop wasn't agree to establish an organization form for IndonesiaDLN like consortium, association, etc. At this time, we were agree to work together within IndonesiaDLN as a forum. But in the next meeting - proposed to be on March/April 2002 - we will discuss this organizational form seriously.
  13. June - November 2001, The IndonesiaDLN Socialization, Talk, and Presentation
    During this period, we have done a sequence of talks and presentations about IndonesiaDLN at some institutions in Indonesia and some international events. The following is the list of the institutions:
    - June 16: Islamic University of Bandung, Bandung
    - June 27: Lontar Foundation, Jakarta
    - June 28: The Library of The Indonesian Health Department, Jakarta
    - July 4: Badan Tenaga Atom Nasional, Jakarta
    - July 6: Department of Biology of ITB, Bandung
    - July 10: National Library of Indonesia, Jakarta
    - July 12: University of Yarsi, Jakarta
    - July 12: Library Science Department of University of Indonesia, Jakarta.
    - July 17: Inter-university Center for Microelectronic of ITB, Bandung.
    - July 19: The National Banking Institutue (Perbanas), Jakarta.
    - August 10: KTSJ Farmer Cooperation, Bandung.
    - August 14: National Electric Company (PLN), Jakarta.
    - August 20 - 23: Asia Pacific Advanced Network (APAN), Penang, Malaysia.
    - August 24 - 28: Penang Library Network, Penang, Malaysia.
    - September 10 - 12: the 3rd International Information and Data Integration Workshop (IIWAS), Lintz, Austria.
    - October 7: Kids Reading Group Arcamanik (PBA), Bandung. The result was to support the group and other kindergarten group with a digital library network system for children.
    - October 8: Center of Technology Training for Teacher (PPPG Teknologi), Cimahi.
    - October 22: Presentation of IndoesiaDLN to PT Naver Indonesia, Bandung.
    - October 31: Workshop of Network of Indonesian Agricultural Researcher (JPPN), Bandung. The result was to make a cooperation between KMRG and JPPN in developing information system network for agricultural player (SME) and research.
    - November 4 - 7: Annual meeting of American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST), Washington, DC, USA.
    - November 8: Presentation at The World Bank in front of the IT Division, Washington, DC. USA.
    - November 8: Meeting with infoDev director, Washington, DC. USA.
    - November 16: Final report presentation at YLTI, Foundation of Telecommunication and Information Research, Bandung.
    - November 21: PT Myohdotcom Indonesia, Jakarta.
  14. July - September 2001, Installation of GDL at EIUDLN, Eastern Indonesia Universities Digital Library Network
    KMRG has been appointed by EIUDP to install the GDL at three institution which are located at eastern of Indonesia, namely: Uncen, Unhalu, Unsrat.
  15. September - November 2001, Installation of GDL at 11 Indonesian Islamic Institutes (IAIN)
    KMRG has been appointed by McGill to develop IAIN library networking using the GDL application. The institutions are located at all big islands such as Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi. We have finished the installation and training, and the work will be continued with the monitoring and management.
  16. October - November 2001, Cooperation with PT Naver Indonesia for the Search Engine
    During this months, we have an intensive discussion with  PT Naver Indonesia (a branch of Naver company at Korea), to develop search engine for IndonesiaDLN using Naver Search Engine for free. An MOU between KMRG and Naver Indonesia will be signed.
  17. November 2001, Cooperation with PT MyohDotCom Indonesia to support the Warintek 9000 program
    Warintek is the program of Ministry of Research and Technology of Indonesia, to develop 9000 internet centers in Indonesia until 2004. PT MyohDotCom is one of the company that will implement the plan. The company is interested to integrate the GDL into its installation package. If we could come into an agreement, an MOU will be signed.
  18. November 2001, Paper by Ismail Fahmi entitled "IndonesiaDLN is Born to Struggle with The Digital Divide" has won the first prize from ASIST International paper contest.
    This is one of our pride that our effort, methodology, and achievement have gain an international acknowledgement. This give us a new spirit to develop and maintain the network in order to can  give real benefits to people.
  19. November 2001, Starting a collaboration with the NDLTD, Networked Digital Library for Theses and Dissertation, Virgina University
    As result of the ASIST meeting, KMRG will start a collaboration with the NDLTD in establishing digital library network between IndonesiaDLN and NDLTD, using the OAI protocol.

Other Related Activities During the Initial 12 Months

Besides above activities, we note some activities that related to this project. The following are titles of the activities:

  1. Cooperation with Indonesian Legal Aid Institution and EIUDP to develop system for Human Right Network. This network will be integrated with IndonesiaDLN network.
  2. Signing MOU with YLTI to develop Networked Information System for SME. This effort will be integrated with IndonesiaDLN network.
  3. Signing MOU with McGill for Survey and Consultation on developing digital library network among IAIN, Islamic Religion Institutions.
  4. Conduct site survey for 11 IAINs.
  5. Present the survey report to McGill and MORA (Ministry of Religion Affair) of Indonesia.
  6. Procurement of equipment for EIUDLN.
  7. Pre-Installation of GDL for EIUDLN.
  8. August 3-5, 2001, Meeting with YLBHI and EIUDP to finalize the proposal for Indonesian Human Rights Information System (IHRIS). The proposal will be submitted to CIDA and other international funding agency.
  9. July - November, 2001, Discussion with Mutiara Bunda Playgroup/Kindergarten and PT StarKids to establish a cooperation in making the VCD version of children education for teachers and parent. The content will be based on the Mutiara Bunda daily activities of the playgroup and kindergarten. 
  10. November 16, 2001, Presentation of N21-SME interim project report to YLTI. YLTI agree to extend the development of agriKnow (the software for SME information system network based on GDL Engine) until May 2002. YLTI also asked KMRG to submit further proposal for implementation of agriKnow on fields.

Results Obtained

The following is table of the results obtained during the activities according to the expected outcomes as stated in the project proposal.

No Outcome types Expected Fact
1 Standardization Standard for:
  • Metadata and classification
  • Submission, authentication, and dissemination process
  • Metadata Standard for IndonesiaDLN based on Dublin Core Metadata Element set version 1.1 was approved.
  • Revision for the IndonesiaDLN Metadata Standard has been proposed (June 2002).

Not implemented:

  • Classification of categories and subject is not practical. No standard was approved for this subject.
  • Submission, authentication and dissemination are vary according to the system and environtment. Developing a standard for this is not practical.


  • This outcome is considered to be achieved.  
2 Servers Servers that will be installed and operated:
  • A central server at  AI3 ITB NOC.
  • 7 partner servers at: Pasca Sarjana ITB, ITB Central Library, Research Institute of ITB, University of Brawijaya Malang, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, University of Cendrawasih Irian Jaya.
The installed servers:
  • 2 central server at AI3 ITB NOC: GDL Hub server and IndonesiaDLN Hub  server.
  • 25 partner servers are successfuly connected to the network. 
  • 12 IAIN have joined to be partner.
  • 60+ institution and individual have registered to be partner.


  • This outcome is excel the target. 
  • It shows that many Indonesian institutions (research, education, etc) are interested to join this efforts. 
  • It is a good weather for the future of IndonesiaDLN.
3 Organization
  • A central agency will be established to organize the operational and administration of the network. The central agency will be in ITB.
  • Other agencies or representations will be established in each partner that install and operate a partner server (i.e. at Unibraw, UMM, IAIN, and UNCEN).
  • The coordination of all agencies especially for information exchange and library network will be established and managed by the central agency.
  • IndonesiaDLN was established as an open community of digital library network in Indonesia. The central administration office is located at KMRG ITB.
  • Members of IndonesiaDLN are not limited to research and education institution. Even any organization or individual are welcame to join this network. 
  • Workshop on June 2001 only agree to setup IndonesiaDLN as an open forum.

Not yet achieved:

  • A more formal organizational form of IndonesiaDLN will be discussed on next workshop (April 2002)


  • Half of the expected outcome has been achieved.
  • The rests are expected to be achieved later.
  • Scope of the involved partner is widened.  
4 Collections At the end of the project, we estimate the participation from students and researchers will be:
  • At least 5% of full text of final reports, theses, and dissertations of a graduation period of ITB during the project will be submitted into central server.
  • At least 5% of full text of research reports managed by Research Institution (LP) of ITB will be uploaded into central server.
  • Currently, knowledge type that will be managed by IndonesiaDLN are not limited to research reports, final projects, theses, and dissertations. But at this moment, such resources will dominate the collections.
  • Type of collections that will be managed: Undergraduate Theses, Master Theses, PhD Theses, Article/Grey literature, Clipping, Course Material, Distance Learning, Examination & Quiz Sample, Expertise Directory, Free e-Books, Internet Directory, Journal, Multimedia, Proceeding, Publication, Research Report, and Heritage.
  • Current collections are about 3500+ title totally. Most of them are gray literature, research reports, theses, dissertation, and multimedia.
  • Partners have shown their contribution to share their institution's knowledge.

Not yet achieved:

  • Submission has not widely done by students, but mostly by librarian. It seems that we have to establish a cultural policy for knowledge management at every institution.
  • The target for collection captured should be revised. It's not only about  collection at ITB, but many partners have join the network and have share their knowledge. 
  • Socialization of the digital library services should be done attractively to communities member. A cultural action will be defined and deployed.
5 Dissemination
  • Other installed partner servers will be able to replicate the database from central server for their local dissemination.
  • Dissemination using CD-ROM will be done for eastern Indonesia universities.


  • 25 partners have successfully share their contents.
  • Personal and Internet Cafe partner server also have been able to download metadata using HTTP protocol.
  • Many institutions and individuals have request for CD-ROM containing the source code of GDL, even though they can download from the web.

Not yet achieved:

  • CD-ROM dissemination to the 'off-line' servers. Currently, there is no request for this service.


  • Partners more like to download the  content using synchronization facility rather than using CD-ROM..

Ganesha Digital Library Features

The following are lists of GDL features:

  1. Distributed Knowledge Management
  2. Centralized Knowledge Distribution
  3. Online Member Registration
  4. Roaming Membership
  5. Search and Browse
  6. Category-based Organization
  7. Upload Metadata and Files
  8. Personal Directory
  9. Review Forum
  10. Access Restriction
  11. Image Thumbnail
  12. Knowledge Organization
  13. News
  14. Synchronization
  15. Member and Group Administration
  16. Advertisement
  17. Dublin Core / IndonesiaDLN Metadata Compliant
  18. XML Based Transaction
  19. Running on CD-ROM

The Mother Network of The Digital Library Networks

 There are other efforts such as the Digital Heritage Network, SME/ Agriculture Network, Human Right Information Network, Bibliographic Network, and Distance Learning Network. All of these networks can be integrated under IndonesiaDLN easily as long as they use IndonesiaDLN Interoperability Metadata Standard for exchange.

 Architecture of the IndonesiaDLN

 Figure 1 bellow describes how the above stated networks will be integrated under IndonesiaDLN.


 Figure 1. Architecture of IndonesiaDLN as Mother network of digital library networks

 From figure 1 above we can see many networks can be integrated into one big network. For this purpose, GDL –Ganesha Digital Library- will be developed to become the main engine of the Network. GDL is now being developed modularly so that it can be used for different environments and purposes.

 The most important part of the software is the GDL-Engine that will provide facilities and services to develop a web-based digital library. The services would be: membership, personal directory, authentication, search engine, content browsing, and the exchange protocol. The most important service is the exchange protocol.

 The Working Network

 IndonesiaDLN was launched last June 2001. The first network under IndonesiaDLN is GDL-Network. It is assorted of the digital library servers that use GDL as their server application software.

 For this moment, there is only one hub server, namely GDL-Hub that acts as the mediator among the digital library servers. There are 13 digital library servers under GDL-Network, and more than 15 institutions are in progress of developing their digital library server using GDL. Most of the servers are running on Microsoft Windows 98/2000 and another are on Linux and FreeBSD. They connect to GDL-Hub using dial-up and dedicated internet connection.

 GDL also can be installed behind proxy. The collections still can be synchronized with the GDL-Hub and the server also can download the metadata from the Hub. This feature enable installation of GDL at internet kiosks to wider the distribution of information.

Works in Progress

We are now in progress of developing digital library system for heritage, human rights (NGO), and SME –the Small and Medium scale Enterprises. We are also planning for the development of digital library network for distance learning. All of these networks are based on GDL-Engine.

Human Rights Digital Library Network is developed by KMRG ITB in cooperation with EIUDP –the CIDA project for the eastern Indonesian universities, Simon Fraser University Canada, YLBHI –the Indonesian Foundation for Human Rights, and CNRG ITB. While SME Digital Library Network is developed by KMRG ITB in cooperation with YLTI and PPAU-Ilmu Hayati ITB.

Each of the networks will have a Hub server and then will be integrated into IndonesiaDLN Hub server. Using any digital library application, users can access any type of information provided by the IndonesiaDLN. User with Heritage Digital Library application can download and read information delivered by other users that use SME Digital Library application, and vice versa. This interoperability is possible along using the IndonesiaDLN Metadata Standard.

Latest Status of IndonesiaDLN

The growth of IndonesiaDLN is counted to be very fast. Only in two months after its lunching, the number of registered partners is reached 43. From this number, 14 of them have successfully connected to GDL-Hub and shared their electronic collections. The number is keep increasing by now.

Partner and Identifier

A Partner is a personal or an institution that installs a digital library server and joins IndonesiaDLN to share the electronic collections. Everybody can download and install GDL software, but to become a partner of IndonesiaDLN, s/he has to register first.

Every partner has Publisher_ID that is obtained after registering its server to IndonesiaDLN/GDL-Network administration. Publisher_ID is very important because it becomes identity of the server and part of identity for every record disseminated to the network. Publisher_ID consist of Area Code, Type of Library, and Name of Institution or Individual. For example JBPTITBPP consists of:

JB =  Jawa Barat (West Java, Area)
PT = Perguruan Tinggi (Higher Education, University, or Institute)
ITB = Institut Teknologi Bandung (Name of the Institution)
PP = Perpustakaan Pusat (Central Library, sub-name of the Institution)

Metadata or record identifier will be started with this Publisher_ID. It will be easier to trace from which partner is an information comes from.

Status of Current Partners

For this moment, partners of IndonesiaDLN are also partner of GDL-Network. Currently there are 14 institutions and 1 personal joined as partner and have been successfully connected to the GDL-Hub. The following table describes their publisher code, name, and number of contributions (records) by July 31, 2001, sorted alphabetically. The online version can be accessed from http://gdlhub.IndonesiaDLN.org/.

Table 1. The successfully connected partners of IndonesiaDLN


The location of Universitas Syah Kuala (ACPTUNSYIAH) is at western of Indonesia, while Universitas Cendrawasih (IJPTUNCEN) is at eastern of Indonesian, as shown by figure 7. They are separated by thousands of islands each other. Universitas Sam Ratulangi and Universitas Haluoleo are located out side of Java, while other institutions are in Java. Dana Mitra Lingkungan (JKPKFORLINK) is a sample of partner that installs its GDL server behind proxy.


 Figure 2. The Distribution Map of IndonesiaDLN Partners

 At the end of the table, we can see a sample of Personal application of GDL. Author (JBPEISMAIL/Ismail Fahmi) makes experiment with the installation of GDL on his notebook; uploading his papers, articles, and other resources into his local server. Periodically using dial-up connection, he synchronizes the collections with the GDL-Hub in order to his electronic collections can be disseminated and accessed widely.

From above table we can conclude that the connection –dial-up or dedicated- is not the barrier in sharing and accessing the electronic collections. Every partner can download all others collections into its local server for further accesses of its community.

In our publisher database, actually there are 60+ registered partners. They are in progress of developing digital library servers before can share their electronic collection with IndonesiaDLN. 

Number of partners is keep growing. It is indicated by many institutions that have expressed their interest to develop digital library and join IndonesiaDLN. 

GDL go International

We believe that in the future, GDL can be implemented by other institution world wide especially at the developing countries. Currently an NGO from Pakistan has installed the GDL for their own purpose. This fact bring an idea of developing digital library network among the developing countries. We also have discussed with the Penang Library Network about the possibility of developing Indonesia-Malaysia Digital Library Network.

Profile of the Electronic Collections

IndonesiaDLN manages many types of resources. The following table describes the types that currently shared in the network. It appears that gray literature, research reports, theses, and proceeding are the most published resources.

Table 2. Type of IndonesiaDLN electronic resources


There is an interesting fact. We found that the undergraduate works only stand at seventh rank. Compared with table 5, number of undergraduate students stands at the first rank. It is caused by an opinion that undergraduate works are not worth enough to be published in the digital library or shared publicly.

Probably we should change the opinion regarding to the fact that most of the digital library users are from undergraduate students. It is often that we found many undergraduate works have good quality and are valuable.

Profile of IndonesiaDLN Members

A Member is an individual that has registered to a digital library server. User has to register in order to get full access to the digital library server. As a guest, user can’t download the full texts.

GDL supports roaming membership. It means user can register at any digital library servers and use the same account to login to any GDL servers that are connected to GDL-Hub.

Table 3 describes number of members from each Partner. JBPTITBPP –number one in the rank- is the oldest digital library server published by ITB Central Library. From this table we can see some Partners such as JIIYPIA and JBPTITBPSUD are in the list. They have successfully installed GDL servers and connected to the GDL-Hub, but they haven’t shared any information.

Table 3. The distribution of members by Partners


Table 4 shows countries from where the members are coming from. Most of the members are from Indonesia. But it is interesting that 113 members (3,7%) are coming from out side of Indonesia.

 Table 4. Members according to their countries

Table 5 describes the job type of members. Most of the members are undergraduate students and other positions that are mostly at research and education institutions. It is interesting that members from private company stand at second rank. It shows that they need to find research information from university and it will open future cooperation between universities community with the private sectors.

Table 5. Members according to their jobs


Second Half Year Plan

During the period of 25th November 2001 - 24th July 2002 we plan to conduct the following activities:

  1. Improve the code of GDL to be an object-oriented application.
  2. Developing the GDL-Engine.
  3. Implementing the Open Archive Initiative Protocol into the GDL-Engine.
  4. Developing metadata standards for information from other subject, such as agriculture and heritage.
  5. Developing the application for Electronic Theses and Dissertation above the GDL-Engine.
  6. Developing the application for SME Information Network (agriKnow) above the GDL-Engine.
  7. Developing the application for Heritage above the GDL-Engine.
  8. Cooperation with PT Naver Indonesia to install the most powerful search engine for IndonesiaDLN.
  9. Cooperation with PT MyohDotCom Indonesia to include GDL into their Warintek 9000 program.
  10. Hold the 3rd Meeting of IndonesiaDLN on April 2002.

Ismail Fahmi, ismail@itb.ac.id