Getting Started in PC Soundcard Digital Modes
Copyright © 1999 - 2003 by Harold Melton, KV5R. All Rights Reserved.

AARC MAIN - Technical Index - Icom IC-706MkIIG Page - Sounds of the Digital Modes - NVIS Antennas

February 2003 Update

This entire file has undergone major revision Feb 2003 -- if you saw it before that, browse it again.

Short Version:

This file has become quite long, so if you're in a hurry, here are the bottom lines:

Whole New Interface Section

See below.

MixW: The BestNew Gottahavit Software!

Things sure do change fast! A new Amateur radio software has emerged that makes most others obsolete.
This new program is called
MixW version 2. MixW is the brainchild of Nick Fedoseev, UT2UZ and
Dennis Nechitailov UU9JDR. from Kiev, Ukraine. Don't waste time goofing around -- get the best at go with it.

MixW is a magnificent all-in-one ham radio station program that combines:

...all this and more in one integrated interface! The program is very stable -- I have not been able to crash it. Also, it will run on modest computers. I run it with no trouble on a P-133 laptop with only 24 megs of RAM. However, the processor can be overloaded by setting the waterfall too fast, and/or turning on too many digital filters. With a 500-MHz machine and more RAM, you should be able to turn on everything at once and still demodulate while moving the mouse around.

This program definitely isn't flaky-ware. It looks, configures, and performs like high-end commercial software. But the best thing about MixW is its authors, Nick Fedoseev UT2UZ and Dennis Nechitailov UU9JDR. They want feedback and will interact with users' questions and suggestions. Very nice fellows!

Mixw v.3 is in the works.

MixW v.2 is available for free evaluation download. Fully functional shareware, dies after 15 days.
The registration cost is $50 -- VERY reasonable, considering all that it does!
U.S. payments go to Jim Jaffe, WA2VOS, in New York, and he forwards to Nick in Kiev.

Info, see
Downloads and registration instructions and payment, GO HERE FIRST.
The help file is a work-in-progress: get latest English help file at
Nick's site from Kiev
There are other sites in other countries and languages. Google search mixw.

September 2002 Update Highlights

Packet radio using the computer soundcard: see for an overwiew and a great site to start with.

Great new FREEware (makes many other programs obsolete/redundant):

MMSSTV, MMANA (antenna analyzer), MMTTY (rtty engine used in HamScope, et. al.), DSP Filter (a cool PC-based DSP audio filter). .

Drawbacks: MMSSTV None. I have heard users on 14.230 say they like MMSSTV better than the $120 ChromaPix.
MMANA: Nice antenna design program -- except is all metric. These MM's are from Japan.
DSPFilter: Fun toy, not real useful to me. Output runs a little too far behind input on my 500MHz PC.

HamScope -- no, not an oscilloscope -- a most-in-one HF-Digital-Soundcard program:

Drawbacks: HamScope still doesn't support logging to Logger like all Nino's programs do. Doesn't do Hellschreiber.
CW paddles not supported as in CWType.

Getting Started

Basic info, how-to, and where-to, is on The WM2U website is the starting place for learning about all the new HF-PC Soundcard modes. In addition, has tons of practical info about the new modes, particularly PSK31.

There are many great hamsites with excellent articles and tutorials. Google it by mode name to read the gurus.

2003: I just re-brewed my interface, removing the isolation transformers. They were talking through magnetic fields and causing feedback. If you use isolation transformers, place a steel shield between them. I now use an old Dell P-133 notebook for all radio-computer uses -- it generates no ground loops and very little RF spurs. If you're getting lots of hash, try killing your big CRT monitor. If that's the problem, buy a notebook of a flat-panel display.

Interfaces, 2003 Update

Interface Building

NOTE: See my NEW interfaces on my Icom 706MkIIG Page.

I started with an isloated interface but the transformers talked to each other so now I use a plain interface with two 50k pots in the audio lines, and two simple transistor switches for PTT and KEY. Was also using mic jack but now connected to back of radio, leaving mic plugged in -- added on-off switch to mic.

If your mic is the "always hot" type, put a tiny switch in it.
Switch the output, not the element.

Author's tiny interface. 2 pots set audio levels.
PTT and KEY use 2 transistors, 4 diodes, 4 resistors.

My current interface schematic. Works fine.

Interface Notes:

General Operating Notes


I do not have much experience with logging software, but if I ever start contesting, I'll just use MixW.

Software: 2003: MixW does it all. Full-featured logger with normal and contest modes, several statistics screens, uses standard ADIF files. MixW can be your main and only logger. Takes input manually and from CAT (radio control connection).

2002 Update: Logger is still the best free logger (IMHO). Unfortumately, HamScope still doesn't write to it directly -- but HamScope does write ADIF files which can be imported into Logger.

Software: WriteLog $75. CW keyer, RTTY, and PSK31 are built-in. Can be networked for multi-op contests. This is called "the ultimate contest logger for Windows." Even has crossed-bananas and auto-tune. I have not tried it.

Contest Voice Keyer

Since the computer is already connected to the radio, automating repetitive voice messages (like "CQ Contest!") is simply a matter of recording wave files and setting some buttons and repeat interval options to play them.

MixW, and several loggers, provide this capability.

The Modes:


Several programs will send CW from the keyboard; two will also accept an iambic paddle connected to the joystick's "fire" buttons (very easy to do). Two ways to key the radio: You can use your interface RTS>PTT circuit to key the radio, with PTT handled by VOX (break-in operation), or you can build two keying circuits, one RTS>PTT and the other, DTR>KEY. The first allows full-break-in (if your radio supports it); the latter is more "elegant." In addition, some programs will also decode CW -- but in practice, the signal has to be strong or at lest, steady (fading will cause it to miss characters that you can still hear by ear). Most CW decoders are easily fooled by static and poor fist. They will never completely replace the trained ear.

2003: MixW does it all. Send/receive CW keyboard, memory keyer, straight and iambic.

CWType, (free) sends code from the keyboard and an iambic paddle (if connected). Has a nice built-in memory keyer, which supports variable character spacing (Farnsworth), and weighting. Is used alone or with companion program CWGet, the decoder, which comes in a free trial version (fully functional but can't save settings), and a registered version ($30).

HamScope: CW send and receive. Doesn't support paddle or key input -- keyboard only.

Can't afford high price of paddles? It's easy to make your own. Mine uses plywood base, brazing rod, and bits of plastic to adjust feel. Can be moved like a bug and/or squeezed. Use a chunk of plastic fishing worm to set your damping and feel. Make feet out of 4 little balls of Coax-Seal -- this will stick key to desk very well. Don't try this design on a boat anchor or you're in for a big shock...

My homebrew iambic paddle.

Another strange design I have not yet tried is the "touch-paddle." This uses a strip of double-sided unetched PC poard set on edge. Each side is connected to gate a JFET. The JFETS key the keyer when you touch the paddle. Nothing moves at all except thumb and finger. That's what you call, "lightest possible touch, with no feel."

PSK31 (Phase-shift keying, 31 baud)

There are several flavors of PSK:

PSK31 is the most popular digitial mode since RTTY. Much has been written about it. It's relatively cheap and easy to set up and use, and is much more robust than Baudot and other non-ARQ modes. With a bandwidth of 31.25 Hz, it's easy to get 10 QSO's between 14070 and 14071. PSK31 will copy right down in the noise floor -- but any strong signals in the receiver's passband will wipe out weak signals. Mechanical CW filter in the SSB filter slot is very helpful. Use IF shift and notch filter, too.

Some people like to build warblers. That's fine if you just want to build something. Otherwise, use a computer and one of many good soundcard programs.

Set your sound card sampling rate to 11025Hz. Use a 16-bit sound card. Set Rx and Tx frequencies to 1000Hz. NOTE: This value will get you up and running but if you plan on using a narrow IF filter change it to the center frequency. Try using a narrow filter, or crank the IF shift (PBT) all the way down and use 500 or less Hz rx/tx. Strong signals nearby will desense your AGC. Use your notch filter.

Your sound card output must NOT overdrive your Mic Input. Do not overdrive the sound card input from the Radio. Get used to the Waterfall/Phase indicators for tuning. Don’t use Speech Processor or Compression. Keep the drive level below any ALC indication. Don’t use your linear! 50 watts is plenty – this is a 31 Hz bandwidth!  The key to perfect PSK is a pristine signal -- not power!.

Software: The original software for soundcard, by the PSK31 inventor is: PSK31SBW This software works fine but is low on features, so someone made a “front-end” add-on for it called PSKGNR. STREAM (in the PSK31 mode) works so much better! Moreover, STREAM has a giant waterfall FFT tuning display. Logs to Logger if Logger running. Also has two experimental modes of 64 and 128 PSK.

2003: MixW does three flavors of PSK-31. Can copy 10 QSOs at once.

2002 Update: HamScope does two flavors of PSK. Copy two signals at once (search for next qso while winding up the current one, etc).

Lots of people like Digipan -- I have not tried it but I’m sure it’s fine. It has more automation features than Stream.

Frequencies: 14070 to -071 is very busy; the usual modulation is 1000 Hz, USB. If 14070 drops out, a few people will QSY to 7070. There is a good bit of European DX in the mornings on 28120.

RTTY (Radio TeleTYpe)

Software: 2003: MixW does it all. Set any shift and any baud. Try out experimental rtty modes, make your own.

2002 Update: HamScope does RTTY and ASCII and is free.

I paid the $35 for TrueTTY (from Russia) a couple years ago and it's been worth it.

Notes: Always use Lower Sideband otherwise your signal will be 'inverted' Select ‘reverse’ in TrueTTY because they do it backwards in Russia (where it comes from). Standard 'Mark' is 2125Hz and 'Space' to 2295Hz; shift is 170; speed 45 baud. Remember TrueTTY = LSB Reverse 45 170. Yep, it really works well.

Software: TrueTTY by Sergei Podstrigailo, UA9OSV (has Baudot & ASCII RTTY, Amtor-FEC, and PSK31). Requires $35 registration but well worth it if you like RTTY. The author emailed my key (from Russia) within a couple hours of online payment! Shareware $35. Fully functional except won’t save configs till registered. This is a very nice, well-featured program. He also has nice Morse decoder & keyer programs, with heavy discount when you buy TrueTTY.

Packet (yes, with a soundcard)

2003 Update: MixW does all flavors of packet, with all-new internal coding. Pretty much obsoletes all other packet systems, except I don't know if it will DDE with WinAPRS (I am asking Nick right now...)

2002 Update: It is now possible to run VHF packet radio, 1200 baud, including APRS, and 300 baud HF packet, using only the soundcard (and, of course, a good isolated interface and a transistor (or optoisolator) PTT switch controlled by the COM port.

Freeware solution: Install latest HamScope. Download AGWPE zip file and unzip it into the same folder as HamScope. Start HamScope and select the Packet mode. It runs the AGWPE packet engine and Voltiare! you're at the Cmd: prompt. Connect the other end of your soundcard interface to your VHF-FM and start looking for packet. The AGWPE engine can be configured to do 300 baud HF packet, also.

The secret is in the software, just like with all the other modes herein. The place to learn all about it is - a magnificent site!. The software is called AGWPE, which is a software client (or interface layer) which interfaces the soundcard to applications which usually require a TNC. AGWPE will run WinAPRS and several other packet software programs.


MixW will do amtor mode-B (FEC) send and receive with a soundcard. I can't figure out why anyone would use Amtor mode B when so many other modes with FEC, like MFSK and MT-63, work so much better...

Pactor, G-Tor

MixW receives Pactor; (G-Tor receive is in the works for version 3). These cannot be transmitted by any soundcard software because they are patented, proprietary modes.

MFSK (Multi-Frequency Shift Keying):

2003 Update: MixW has the usual MFSK-16 mode but you can send B/W and color PICTURES with it, too!

2002 Update: HamScope does MFSK, et. al.

Stream is Nino's (IZ8BLY) MFSK/PSK software. It has MFSK and PSK, several modes each, including experimental modes you can't get anywhere else. It works and looks like all of Nino's fine software.

Common mode is MFSK-16 (multi-frequency shift keying), 1000 Sidetone,USB, on 14.080. Sounds like a kid playing a flutophone.

Stream also runs PSK31, 63, and 125.

Software:  Free. Excellent. Get it. Logs to Logger if Logger running.


2003: Throb is a strange and little-used digital mode, that I can't currently describe accurately, but several programs do it, including MixW.


2003 Update: You guessed it: MixW does that, too.

Said to be the most “robust” HF digital mode ever made. 14.347. USB above 9HMz, LSB below. Early morning European activity on 28.130. This is a somewhat broadband mode and is used in the voice allocations.

Software:  Free. Excellent. Get it. Logs to Logger if Logger running.

Read all about MT63 at  .


Hellschreiber is loads of fun! This is a revival of a very old 1930’s mode which works soft of like FAX. The characters are not decoded by the computer. They are simply painted on the screen on a moving “paper tape” and decoded by the eye and brain. Signals way in the mud can still be read. Lots of fonts to choose from. I have found that Hellschreiber transmissions are hard to locate, but if you just get on 14063 and start sending CQ's pretty soon you'll have a QSO, then another, then a whole party! European Hell is 28110 or 120 in the mornings.

2003 Update: MixW does it all -- well, doesn't have as many modes as IZ8BLY hell.

2002 Update: IZ8BLY Hellschreiber:  Free. Excellent. Get it. Still the best. Logs to Logger if Logger running.

Feld Hell is the usual mode. C/MT Hell will actually paint readable text on everyone’s waterfall display! info.


Notes: Most xmsns are Scottie-1, a few are Martin-1. Voice (ssb) is used with SSTV to make contact and announce the sending mode, etc. A mic switch is essential. MFJ has one; also their interface has mic switching. SSTVers don't just send blind CQ pictures -- they talk into the group first.

2003 Update: I've tried them all and MMSSTV is my main SSTV program.
MixW does SSTV fine but I prefer the handy features in MMSSTV.

2002 Update: A great FREE program is now available for SSTV/FAX all modes: MMSSTV.

2002 Update: The one and only really great, and FREE!, SSTV software is MMSSTV -- get it at and while you're there, get his other great free programs -- MMANA, DSPFilter, etc .

General info:

Others are available cheap or free but they tend to use a “Hamcom” type interface, not a soundcard. Yuck.


2003: Most sstv programs will NOT do HF FAX or WEFAX. JVComm32 is one that does it well, with nice features. Cost money.
MixW has a basic FAX receiver only, no save, no autostart-stop, no scrollback. But you CAN set ANY number LPM.

NOTE: Use FAX mode at 60 LPM to calibrate your soundcard clock to WWV. You can also use SSTV programs that have some mode like WWV calibration, AVT-90 or some other sstv mode with a scan rate that is harmonic of 60.


There is little consensus right now on which modes are acceptable in certain portions of the digital mode sub-bands. The influx of new digital modes and operators is not welcome by some. Please make every effort to avoid interference with other modes.

Bandplan: Practical Information de AD4JE dated Jan 22, 2002

Band RTTY Pactor PSK31 MFSK
MT63 Hell SSTV Fax Packet
160 1800 - 1840 1838 1838 1822, 1838.15        
80 3580 - 3620 3580 3580 3580.15, 3590, 3635 3575, 3580, 3559 3730, 3845 3730 3620, 3620.9, 3623.9, 3627.9, 3635, 3638.9
40 7040 - 7100 7070, 7035 7037 7035.15, 7037 7030, 7035, 7037, 7040 7171   7068.9, 7070.9, 7071.9, 7072.9, 7073.9, 7076.9
30 10130 - 10140 10140 10147 10140.15, 10145 10135, 10137, 10145     10124.9, 10125.9, 10126.9, 10133.9, 10136.9, 10140, 10150
20 14070 - 14100 14070 14080 14106.3, 14109.3, 14114 14063, 14064, 14070 14227, 14230, 14233 14227 14062.9, 14072.9, 14073.9, 14074.9, 14075.9, 14076.9, 14095, 14099.5
17 18100 - 18105 18100 18105 18105, 18100.15 18100, 18105     18101.9, 18105, 18107.9, 18110
15 21070 - 21100 21080 21080 21130 21070 21340, 21335 21335 21072.9, 21100, 21110
12 24920 - 24925 24920 24929 24925       24925, 24930
10 28070 - 28150 28070, 28120 28080 28130 28063, 28070, 28100, 28110, 28120 28675, 28680 28675  

Standard Recommended HF Digital Operating Frequencies (MHz)

North and South America Europe/Africa
3.590 RTTY DX 3.580-3.620
7.040 RTTY DX 7.035-7.045
14.070-14.099.5 14.080-14.099.5
* Digital operators should avoid interfering with hams outside the continental US who have phone privileges in this portion of 40 meters.

Recommended Novice/Technician Plus Digital Operating Frequencies (MHz)
Suggested simplex packet-radio frequencies:
* Authorized power output 200-watts maximum for Novices/Technician Plus Licensees in the 10-meter Novice sub-band.

Some of this info is a couple years old - please notify of broken links and inaccuracies.

Partial Rev. Sep. 4, 01
2002 Update Rev. August 28, 2002
2003 Major Rev. February 24, 2003

AARC MAIN - Technical Index - Icom IC-706MkIIG Page - Sounds of the Digital Modes - NVIS Antennas

Copyright © 2002 by Harold Melton, KV5R. All Rights Reserved.